Schedule and Announcements

For the Week of February 23

This Week at St. Paul’s

The Church remains open daily for prayer and meditation.


Sunday 9 AM: Christian Formation in the Parish Hall

Sunday 10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist with hymns

Wednesday 12 noon: Prayers for the World and Holy Communion

Winter Office Hours:  By appt. – call Fr Bob to arrange a time.

12-Step Groups, in the Parish Hall:  Monday 8 AM – AA, Tuesday 7:30 PM – Al-Anon

Thursday 7 PM – AA;  Saturday 8 AM – AA

News and Announcements

  • Ministry Training:
    • Worship Leader: Saturday, Feb. 22 at 1030 AM and March 1 at 1030 AM
    • Eucharistic Minister and Visitor: Sunday, March 23 after Coffee Hour (tent.)
  • Fr. Bob will be on vacation from March 7 through March 23.
  • Nan Burr and Marc Burr have also been elected by the Vestry as Affiliate Members.
  • Ash Wednesday, the First Day of Lent, is March 5 this year. We’ll begin Lent at 6 PM with Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion.

Service Schedule                    This Sunday Feb. 23                 Next Sunday March 2

Accompanist                         Mary Steunenberg           Mary Steunenberg

Reader                                         Bob White                       Julene Market

Intercessor                                  Ed Hubner                        Kira Hubner

Eucharistic Minister                  Val Chornyak                    Bob Chornyak

Contact Val Chornyak or Fr Bob if interested in a service ministry

This Week’s Intercessions: We pray daily for those who have asked for our prayers:

We pray for Sue Ferguson, Heather Durdil, Stan Mizerny, Jan Bright, Zach Mitchell, Mary Solon, Missi Kowalski, Jeanne Burgess, Anne Parker, Bernie Meyers, Angie Heineman, Kyrie Lee, and those others, whom we now name, aloud or in our hearts….

We pray for all who have died, including Tom Hornsby and Charles Bennet, and those we name now in our hearts or aloud.….

We pray for an ending to war throughout the world, and especially in Ukraine, Africa, and the Middle East.

We pray in thanksgiving for all your blessings that you have given us, and especially those we name, aloud or in our hearts….

We pray for all the residents and visitors of these Lake Erie Islands, and those we name now, in our hearts or aloud….

We pray for all the members and guests of this parish, for Bob our priest, and for our sister churches of Mother of Sorrows Put-in-Bay,  Zion Methodist Kelleys Island, St. Michael’s Kelleys Island, St Paul’s Duluth, St. Paul’s Elkins Park, and Our Lady Star of the Sea Pelee Island.

In the Diocese of Ohio, we pray for: Anne our Bishop; and for the Commission on Ministry and Episcopal Community Services.

In our own Church, we pray for Sean, our Presiding Bishop. And in the Anglican Communion, we pray for the election of the next Archbishop of Canterbury, and the people and clergy of: The Episcopal Church of Brazil; the Diocese of Madras (S. India); the Diocese of Madurai-Ramnad (S. India);  the Diocese of Magwi (S. Sudan); the Diocese of Mahajanga (Indian Ocean); the Diocese of Maiduguri (Nigeria); and the Diocese of Maine (USA).