Holy Week and Easter 2025

Some Resources to help you observe a Holy Lent

Sunday April 13, 10:30 AM: The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at 6 PM: Holy Week Eucharist

Thursday April 17, 6 PM:

The Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper

7 PM – Midnight: Watch over the Reserved Sacrament

Friday April 18, 12 Noon: The Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion

Saturday April 19, 12 noon: The Liturgy of Holy Saturday

Sunday April 20, Easter Day

7:15 AM: Ecumenical Sunrise Service, Oak Point St. Park

10:30 AM: Festive Eucharist, at the Church

6 PM: Evening Eucharist, at the Church

Monday-Friday, April 21-26 at noon: Easter Week Holy Eucharist

Sunday April 27, 10:30 AM: The 2nd Sunday of Easter

All are warmly welcome!