Saturday, April 27, 10 AM – 4:30 PM
The season of Easter is Fifty days, from Easter Day through the Day of Pentecost. Get away for a day to the Island to immerse yourself in prayer and reflection on what New Life in Christ means for you and for the world.
Tentative Schedule of the Day
9-10 AM – Gather and enjoy coffee and pastries
10 AM – Convene and Introduce the Day
10:15 AM – Morning Prayer
10:45 AM – 1st Reflection
11 AM – Quiet Time
11:45 – Check in
12 noon – Midday Prayer and lunch
1 PM – 2nd Reflection
1:15 PM – Quiet Time
2 PM Check in, 3rd Reflection
2:30 PM – Quiet Time
3:15 – Check in, 4th Reflection
4 PM, Check in, Evening Prayer
4:30 PM – Farewell
You’ll have plenty of time to visit the local parks (just across the street!), browse our library, walk the labyrinth, or simply sit with your thoughts.
We request you RSVP to stpaulspib@frontier.com or 419-285-5981. The cost for the day is $25, and you may send or bring a check with you, or pay by Venmo at the door. All are most welcome!