Some Practical Suggestions for a Holy Lent
Select just one or two from each category. Or create your own. Don’t try to do it all!
- Prayer
- Start or expand an intentional prayer habit. Maybe the Lord’s Prayer in the morning, the Ash Wednesday prayer at midday, and the parish intercessions at night.
- Pray the Daily Office every day, or at least Morning or Evening Prayer. Here’s the same link on our homepage to get started.
- Follow the prayer cycle for Lent on the parish Facebook page.
- Walk the Labyrinth regularly, maybe after Sunday service and coffee hour. There are brochures at the entrance to help you get started.
- Consider offering a private saramental confession
- Over Lent, read Luke 26-27 in a bible, and also John 18-19. Reflect on how these two versions of the Passion of Our Lord are similar and how they are different.
- Follow the 40 Days of Lent calendar. Color in each day as you do its activity.
- Pray the Litany of Penitence every day. Take a Prayer Book from the back if you need one.
- Pray for forgiveness for those who have wronged you. If you can, name them specifically, and ask God to forgive them even if you can’t.
- Fasting
- Drink your coffee black, no sugar, except on Sundays.
- Fast from something you really like, except on Sundays.
- Limit your social media usage to less than an hour a day. There are apps to help you do this.
- Commit to walking a mile or more every day if you don’t already do similar. Don’t listen to music or a podcast while you do.
- Turn off the music in your car or golf cart or at home, at least for a set time each day.
- Sit in silence for a few minutes each day, perhaps with a candle lit. Use your phone to set a timer, and start small, e.g., a minute or two, then longer.
- Acts of Charity
- Double (or at least temporarily increase) your giving to the parish during Lent if you possibly can.
- “Tithe” your clothes – take one item of every ten in your closet and drawers and set them aside for a clothes drive. Don’t pick stuff you are already done wearing! For example, one sweater in ten, one shirt in ten, one pair of slacks in ten.
- Contribute to the Food Pantry with a tithe (one item in ten) of all your pantry goods.
- Give an anonymous contribution to one of the Island groups, such as the Fire Department, Conservancy, etc.